The history of me.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Communication continues...

Arya has been putting two words together pretty regularly for a little over a month now. I know that she was doing it when we went to Toronto the first week of September. She would grab my hand and say things like, "Mama. Come," "Dada. Play," etc. It has just continued to pick up and become more regular since then.

She has been using one word after another to carry on conversation or to tell stories. For example, the other day after Arya's friend Maggie (who is now "Maggie" instead of just "Ma" or "Ma-ie") came over and played, colored, and drank some juice from a blue cup of Arya's. The next day, Arya told us about Maggie coming over kind of like this: "Maggie. Play. Cuh-cuh. Jyuice (while pointing to the blue cup Maggie had used)."

In the last week or so she's been using three words together more often in more sentence-like form. Last night, Rajeev had to go back to work after eating dinner with us. As he was telling her goodbye, she said, "Bye-bye, Daddy. Work!" This morning she wanted me to put her up on the bathroom counter. She said, "Sit up high!

I'm amazed to hear all of these words, phrases, and now sentences of sorts coming from this tiny little girl!


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