The history of me.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Chicken Pox

Arya got her 1-yr vaccinations on April 12. She got 4 shots, including the chicken pox vaccine. They warned me to keep an eye out for any rash or bumps that might appear in 10-14 days. Apparently, there is a very small chance that the vaccine can cause the child to actually break out in chicken pox. That is what happened to poor little Arya!

She had a random fever in the night on Saturday, 4/21/07 but seemed better on Sunday. On Monday, 4/23, Liz and I went to lunch and she was holding Arya when she noticed, "Oh, Arya has a little pimple on her hand." I quickly started putting everything together - the vaccination, the fever, the "pimple" which we soon realized was one of many little red dots that were quickly appearing all over Arya's body. Arya had chicken pox!

Fortunately, she was still too young to know to really scratch at the bumps, so they didn't last long. A week after the first spots appeared, she had her 1-yr checkup (actually 13 month checkup) and was officially declared to no longer be contagious. The other good thing was that even though she got lots of spots, she didn't have tons that became huge blisters. Here are a couple of pictures to help us remember her chicken pox outbreak. And just think, now she has gotten the chicken pox out of the way for good (hopefully!).

How much longer will this last, Mom?


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