The history of me.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Back up to her birth length!

Yes, it is true! Arya is back up to her birth length! Don't you mean birth weight? No. Her weight has been increasing at a good pace. However, as a result of that difficult trip from the womb to the outside world, she was born with a bit of a conehead that made her measure a little longer than she actually was. (Maybe she just wanted to be like her mom, who was born with a conehead of her own!) Arya measured 22.5 inches at birth, but by the next day her head was nice and round and she was down to about 20.5 inches. When we took her for her two week checkup she was up to 20.75 inches and I'm happy to report that on Friday at her 2 month checkup she measured 22.5 inches and weighed 11 lbs., 4 oz. Way to go, Arya!

Meanwhile, she is learning so many new things these days! She loves it when we make clicking sounds with our mouths. She watches so intently when we do it, and often gives us huge smiles because we are able to do such cool things! :) I started making those sounds for her a few weeks ago. She often sticks out her tongue or moves it around trying to figure out how to make the sounds herself. It is adorable! When we were in Toronto visiting Rajeev's family last week, she actually started making clicking sounds herself! Rajeev's sister can even back me up on this report because she witnessed it too! I don't think Arya always knows how she does it, but we still think it is fun to watch her learn this amazing new skill!

Other great accomplishments include sticking out her tongue quite frequently when we stick out our tongues at her. Are we teaching her things we'll regret later? :)

I just have to add one more new thing that she did today. I had put Arya down on the changing table and was unfolding a clean diaper before taking her dirty one off. She was lying there on her back, kicking all around and all of the sudden she put her feet down on the changing table, lifted her bottom up, and scooted herself up the table about 3 or 4 inches with one big push! I couldn't believe it! She did the same thing later when she was lying on the floor. I am starting to think that we may not have as much time to child proof the house as I thought we did!

Well, I need to go. Our little one is practicing using her loud voice to express herself right now. (That is secret code for "she is crying".) More updates to come...


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